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From the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts

This piece of art work drew me in. I found it fascinating from any distance, any angle.


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  1. Not sure I love this, but I can see why you were intrigued by it.

  2. Hi Sue
    This is such an unusual art mixed media collage! So much work went into it.

  3. Interesting art. Thanks so much for hosting and have a great week.


  4. Dear Sue, this is a colorful, quirky piece of art. I'm not sure if I like it, but it's a piece to think about and discover things. Visually, it looks a bit kitschy to me and a bit like a mandala. Based on the title and the "NOPE" over all the "traditionally feminine" (glittery stuff, angel wings, birth?, a dark-skinned woman whose clothes look like a maid to me...but she's holding a revolver in one hand...) I think the work has something to do with girl power... But as I said, when it comes to the intellectual approach to art, I'm not very good at it 😉 What do you think?
    All the best, Traude

    1. I didn't notice the gun. So maybe it's HER declaration of Independance over the men and govt?

  5. I love jewelry art. I've always meant to make something with my mom's old stash.

  6. It's incredible! Looks like alot of work has gone into it.

  7. Hello Sue, a very interesting seems to me a bit overfull...and I am not sure what the artist wanted to tell the spectator.
    Have a good time

  8. Why NOPE do you think? That there's not a lot of independance for women in America? I don't quite understand what she's saying...

  9. Exquisite decorations and beauty

  10. Certainly very interesting. Have a fabulous week and thankyou again for the linkup.

  11. Interesting and fun artwork!
    Happy Tuesday, Sue!

  12. wonderful works, Loved this post.


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