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Some artwork from Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art...

These multimedia pieces were striking - although I admit that the description was not something I could really follow. But I found myself circling the installations to view them from different angles. I am not knowledgeable about art, especially pieces like these, but they were able to "draw me in". Perhaps that is what the artist was striving for.


  1. I also don't understand the captions, but they are interesting pieces!

  2. Hi Sue! Artists have such imginations to be able to make scuplture like these. Have a wonderful week ahead!

  3. Those are freaky, they remind me of dead triffids.

  4. Haha, no, I don't really understand that description either, but that's probably not the point. In my current post I wrote that I don't have an intellectual approach to art, but a purely emotional one, and I think that's a form of approach that most artists can live with. It's good if you feel something about a work. I find them both very quirky, you could shower under them or be illuminated by them or even put them in a vase... ;-)
    All the best and a good new week, Traude

  5. This Academy must have a wide ranged archiv....
    Have a good time and all the best

  6. These are fascinating - lovely but also a bit creepy. Very interesting.

  7. certainly fascinating! Enjoy your week and thankyou again for the linkup

  8. Fascinating piece! It's great that art can draw you in even if you don't fully understand it.

  9. I agree with Lydia - they are a little creepy.

    Happy Tuesday, Sue!

  10. Das ist eine etwa ausgefallenen Kunst, aber irgendwie interessant !

  11. Wow, those are so organic-looking. Totally fascinating art!

    Hope you are well, Sue. Thank you for hosting!

  12. Strrange art! I can not interpret them, but for me they look sad...
    Thank you for sharing something new for me!
    Happy WWand a fine week!

  13. Those pieces are pretty interesting and cool. Thanks for sharing them. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  14. As you, not the arty type. This is rather strange and odd looking art, but as long as they enjoy what they are doing, who am I to say anything against it.Thanks, Sue, for hosting. Happy rest of your week
    My entries this week are numbered #39+40
    Hope you will join/share M-Sat at

  15. Beautiful flowers the artist shared - thank you for the link opportunity! Many blessings!

  16. Whimsical pieces!! I always like seeing the world through artsy eyes.

  17. Thanks so much for participating and sharing at #41 #WW (Words welcome). See you Wednesday at #42,


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