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Pop art. I don't get it.


  1. Hi! Nice photo collection of the pop art. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I agree, I don't get it either. Is that really Andy Warhol's Cambell's Soup - or imitation?

    1. That was the original Warhol Campbell's Soup can.

  3. I don't get it either...I'm not a big fan of modern art in general

  4. What fun to see some art that especially Campbell's Soup and one of my favorites to eat!
    Thank you for hosting, have a great week!

  5. To each his or her own--some love Pop Art for its whimsical value and bright colors. I prefer impressionism

  6. I'm a fan of pop art - so fun and colourful

  7. All you need to do is look at it with a sense of humor!

  8. Yes, some of it can be weird and others can make you say what? However, I do think it has it place. It goes back to the saying what is art. Is only Monet art? When Pollock made his art many questioned his art me being one of them as I say-My kid can make that but many love his work. I think art is what stirs and emotional connection within us. Like the can of soup. In many it brings up up feelings of comfort and security -love. Others it is just a dumb can label. It is different for everyone. TOday my little girl read a book on Mary Blair the artist behind the iconic It's a small world in Disneyland. At her time she was revolutionary in her art. Her work was not accepted by her peers, but today she is celebrated.

  9. Not a big fan either but they do look cool!

    Happy Tuesday, Sue!

  10. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Pop Art is a very personal thing, just like real art.

  11. Yeah...some of it is a bit odd!

  12. It was a great time for art...

    ...fantastic captures!

    Have a good week.

  13. I have to agree with you. It is difficult for me to understand the admittedly great attraction which fuels the high prices for this art.

  14. A wonderful pop art collection!
    Fantastic captures!

    Best, Laina

  15. I actually like it. I know it is just my tastes. I like any art because I can't do any kind of art and enjoy those who can.

  16. Pop art is interesting to me, but not my favorite by any means. Thanks for sharing this exhibit, Sue. I don't really understand the art, but it's fun to look at. :)

  17. It strikes me how dated these look now.

  18. I find them funny ! They make fun of publicity !

  19. Neither do I. Perhaps it has to do with age???...:)jp

  20. Very interesting information!Perfect just what I was searching for!


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