While in Washington DC on retreat just before Holy Week, I finally took the opportunity to walk over to the beautiful church beside the retreat center. I'd noticed it for years and had wanted to visit as I was curious to see the interior. The retreat staff mentioned that it was a Ukranian Catholic Church, and in light of the devastating news from Ukraine recently, I had to go. While visitors were welcome to come in to see the church and to pray, there was no one present to answer some of the questions I had about the interior of the church. But I wanted to share this beautiful church with you and ask you to pray for the brave people of Ukraine and for peace in our troubled world.
I can only guess that the multicolored origami figures represented the souls of those who have perished.
Pussy willows were to be used rather than palms as part of the Palm Sunday liturgy.
For the first time in the years I'd been near this church, the chimes never rang. I'm sure they will peal joyfully when this war is over. Pray for an end to the violence.