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Poor little birdie!

This poor little goldfinch flew head-first into our plate glass window.
I'm thinking this is what she felt like for a little while!
She finally perked up and flew off, but does anyone have any ideas how best to prevent bird concussions?

Credit to my husband, who kindly snapped these shots with a cellphone so that I could share them with you. Thanks, Dave! 

The bird survived and flew away after a few moments gathering her wits while sitting in my hand. 

It's Tuesday somewhere, and that means it's time to join in with this week's Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) photo linkup party! And to be sure you won't miss upcoming parties, follow image-in-ing through Google +, Google Friend Connect, or by email - the links can be found on the sidebar.

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Have a great week!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. I hope that little bird recovered and was able to fly again, Sue! Hope all the rain and bad weather that SC is having is not happening where you are. All the flooding is so horrible there--the same happened two years ago in N Colorado--it was disastrous fro many!

  2. That always makes me so sad. I believe you can buy "stickers" for the windows that help, but our HOA would never allow that. :(

  3. I hope that the bird will be able to fly to live !!
    Lovely pictures !

  4. Stickers birds of black i have stuck to the window. That helped. I hope the little bird is still alive !

  5. Bet he had a headache! FYI, you have pretty hands. As someone who doesn't mess with manicures and whose hands look like a mans, I notice pretty hands!

  6. My friend has cardinals that plow into her windows all the time. She has tried everything imaginable to prevent this, but they knock themselves out all the time. They drive her crazy. He's a cute little guy!

  7. Poor bird! Happily he/she flew away due to your aftercare after the mishap. Nice capture and a nice save!

  8. What an amazing photo of the little bird. So sweet.

  9. Poor little guy. So glad he's okay. I never thought about bird concussions before.

  10. Happy the bird could fly away. I don't know how to prevent that.

  11. We have a corner that is all window, and a deck has that is clear balustrades, so we have this happen far too often. They always seem to perk up, thankfully. That middle photo of yours is really clever, and the caption is spot on.

  12. Last spring we had a bird that came back week after week and flung himself against our windows. It was crazy!

  13. Glad she is doing ok. I have seen some birds making the same mistake and it is sad to see them hitting themselves.

  14. Cute poor birdie! I haven't idea, thats happened....
    Hope, she is right again.
    Greetings from Germany, thanks for hosting

  15. Poor little bird. We have seen this happen too, and even had to rescue a poor stunned bird from a prowling cat once.

  16. Aww! that is so cute lovely photos :-)

  17. Poor little thing looks a little dizzy!

  18. He or she is just gorgeous. I'm glad she recovered and flew away.

  19. She is a pretty bird. We've had a few fly into the window by the rose bushes and gotten a little turned around, but we've never had one knock themselves out.

  20. Poor little birdie, so good to hear she was able to take off again!

    Thank you for the invitation to link up,
    cheers from Vienna,

  21. I'm glad the birdie was alright. Thanks for sharing the sweet photos and hosting!

  22. I seem to get birds flying into my window all the time. I guess I should stop keeping the windows so clean.

  23. Being an avid birder, I have purchased and faithfully believe in the use of window decals!! This alerts the birds and isnt all that invasive on the view from inside the windows!!

  24. Hi Sue,

    Lovely to meet you! What a perfectly pretty little birdie! Thanks for hosting, and have a wonderful Tuesday!


  25. Oh my goodness, that little bird is so cute, I'm glad he was able to fly away!

  26. Love that shot of the 'bird in the hand'. . .it is worth two in the bush. (Sorry, I couldn't resist!)

  27. How very sweet! Thank you for your visit! Have a grand day!

  28. Poor thing is right. I think he'll be fine though if he flew away fine.

  29. Aww poor little thing, glad to hear it felt better after a while :)

  30. Poor little bird! Thanks for hosting. Have a great week.

  31. What a sweetie! My friend takes care of injured wildlife including birds. His blog is here and he may have advice

  32. Hi! Very poor,but very cute too. Thanks for sharing.

  33. Oh dear hope it didn't injure itself!

  34. Hi Y'all!

    The birding sites have several suggestions, including stickers and putting a feeder or water feature in front of the window to attract them away. Nothing I've tried has really helped much. Fortunately most seem to survive to at least fly away...once in awhile one ends up with a broken neck.

    Y'all come on by,
    BrownDog's Human

  35. Oh my, poor little thing, I sure hope we is now doing well and able to fly and enjoy life.
    Have a great rest of the week.

  36. She's so cute! I hope she was able to remember her way home.

  37. I'm so glad that cutie was OK. Blessings!

  38. What a sweet bird. I hope it recovered well.

  39. Sweet baby! I have used special decals on my windows but you can also get a window film at

  40. I'm glad she recovered and flew away.

  41. Poor little one...Glad the bird could fly away. Thanks for sharing.

  42. poor sweet thing! Hope fate was good.

  43. The poor little bird. how nice that he has recovered and that you helped him.
    Thank you ♥
    Greetings from Germany

  44. So tiny! Did you manage to get it going out of the house again, or maybe you've had to adopt Sue?

  45. Awww poor little guy, we have had a cardinal knocking on our window all summer - no idea how to get him to stop.

  46. Awww, poor little birdie! I hope he recovers soon - it's always lovely to see people looking after the local wildlife. What a cute bird too! - Tasha

  47. Dear Sue, thanks for your kind command on my blog. I have a weekly photo party on Friday . Love to be on your blogrol. Groetjes, Hetty

  48. Aww poor little birdie but glad to hear everything was ok in the end. We have found some little birds in our garden too, young ones that have fallen off the roof or trees, too young to fly :(
    Our Seaside Baby

  49. Poor little guy! Glad he's ok, though. Did he fly into the window? Fantastic photo op! Happy #WW!

  50. So glad the little bird was okay! Thanks for stopping by my blog, and I've just linked up to your page. :)

  51. Sweet. I love birds. I am glad you around to help this little guy.

  52. Awww, poor wee birdie!!! Glad to see that this one is okay. although many do fly away after the incident, only to die from unseen injuries later. I worked in a building in our city downtown, and we have this program to prevent bird window collisions, and treatment after a collision. If the bird is stunned, we would place it in a box with the lid closed for a few minutes. then you take the box outside and see if the bird can sit on a branch on its own. If it can maintain it's balance, than there probably is no head injury. At this point it will either sit, or fly away on its own. If it still seems a bit stunned, you can put it back in the box with the lid open, and wait and see if it flies away soon. If it doesn't, naturally it probably needs help from the applicable resource.

    The easiest way to prevent these collisions is some sort of decals -- but actually they are not highly effective unless you can almost cover the window. The reason is they must eliminate much of the reflection that the bird sees in the window (go outside and look at your window and if you can see sky and branches reflected, so can the birds). Many people place their bird feeder right in front of their big window so they can watch the birds feed. One of the best things you can do is make sure your bird feeder is more about 30 feet away from the window. You can buy a netting to place over you windows to prevent the impacts, or even soap streaks on the glass will help eliminate that reflection.

  53. What a cute little bird! Hope he's doing well now.
    Thanks for visiting my blog!
    Greetings, Hilde

  54. NIce to know he could fly away. He was so fortunate to have rested on your palm.


  55. What a cutie. I hope it is okay. Reminded me of when a pigeon hit our window of our apartment when I was a small child. I vaguely remember my mom taking it in to care for it.

  56. Poor birdie -- glad it was okay.

  57. Good the little bird survived. You've captured the moments well.

  58. Oh, poor birdie... I hope he recovers soon!
    Wonderful fotos!

    My ww is one day to late..
    Thanks for hosting!

    Have a nice day, Suzie

  59. Awww! What a cute little birdie! Glad he/she was able to recover and fly off.

    WW: Umbrella Dad

  60. Just came back across to say thank you for the lovely comments! - Tasha

  61. Sweet little goldfinch. Having an animal adventure here as well and I don't know the outcome yet.

  62. oh wow, I am not sure I could deal with a bird flying in but you certainly did. Cheers, Denyse

  63. This happens occasionally, I hear the thump but they always fly off immediately. Poor bird!

  64. What an adorable little birdie! I'm sure he/she appreciated your TLC! :D

  65. Cute birdie and wonderful photos :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  66. I was here last week while in my personal blog "Hootin' Annis" admin instead of my bird photo blog and so enjoyed the happy ending to this story. And I too thank Dave for snapping the photos to share here on your blog.

  67. Such a sweet birdie. My daughter loves birds and often fInds babies.

  68. What a sweet little birdie! I'm glad he was only stunned. I know that our house has this silver dots in the middle of our sliding glass doors - I guess they let the birds know that there's something there.

    Thank you for joining us for Photo Friday this week!

  69. I've had several birds go into my patio doors. I always send my husband out to check if they are OK as I can't bear to come across a dead bird!


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