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I was recently reminded of this event from several years ago. We returned from dinner with friends and parked our trusty old Buick, which had well over 100,000 miles on it. Once inside while puttering in the kitchen, I heard an odd sound from outside and looked out to see a quite unwelcome sight. Fortunately the fire department arrived quickly.
As you can see, the car was close to my husband's truck and our house.
The house was undamaged. The plastic around the headlights on the truck was a bit melted.
Although the fire burned through the asphalt driveway and the car was a total loss, we felt fortunate!


  1. What a blessing! I am glad your other car wasn't hurt and the house as well. I had a car that caught on fire, but it was while I was driving it. Thankfully, no one was hurt.

  2. So glad you all were okay! How terrifying!

  3. Life! Glad you are ok. What a memory

  4. That's certainly one of those events that you won't forget for a while, I'm so glad everything came out without more damage!

  5. Oh my! It must have been a really scary incident

  6. oooh that's scary. I'm glad you were ok

  7. Good heavens, thank heaven the fire department came quickly and noone was hurt. There could have been so much more damage!

  8. Oh My! At least you were home! And no one hurt. And hopefully insured!

  9. Goodness! So lucky your house was safe and you were not in the car when it exploded! Stay safe, enjoy your week, and thankyou again for the link up.

  10. Ohh ... Glad to know all your are ok. Take care.

  11. Good thing the firefighters responded so promptly and efficiently!

  12. Yikes! I am so glad nobody got hurt and you were awake when that happened.


  13. Wow! Very unnerving experience. You are so fortunate that it was not parked in a garage.

  14. Wow! What a strange event! I can not understand the cause, but it was perfect that nobody was hurt.
    A terrifying memory!
    All the best to you! Have a fine week!

  15. How scary and grateful no one was hurt.

  16. So glad that no one was hurt. How scary!

    Happy Tuesday, Sue.

  17. That is pretty scary, I am glad the damage was not worse nor were any people hurt.

  18. You were fortunate. Car fires are frightening.

    Thank you for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday and rest of the week. ♥

  19. Wow! That must have been alarming.

  20. That must have been so scary! I'm glad that in the end, you and your hubby escaped unscathed!


  21. How terrible, fortunately you weren't hurt !

  22. That was very scary! You had a very lucky escape.

  23. Now that is a scary sight. Glad you and your things are alright.

  24. Very scary but I a glad that you, your family and the house are ok.

  25. That must have been so scary! Glad it turned out well in the end.


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