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Power tower, nearer and clearer


  1. I remember when I was a child, sitting in the back seat of the car and seeing them, I thought the pylons looked like giant metallic human forms, like sentinels over the landscape.

  2. A powerline is the last photo in my Minnesota Memories series next week. They can look very interesting!

  3. Power lines connect us all in a way. These are certainly massive!

  4. There is something very fascinating about these towers. I like your series

  5. I like that. Nearer and clearer. Great photo idea. Can I ask, were you on side of road to take those or walking in a field?

    1. I was along the side of the road when I took these shots.
      Thanks for stopping by and for your comment.

  6. That's something in a movie for us - ours are different....

  7. The power lines are a work of art

  8. We have them here too and we call them power pylons.

  9. We saw some huge wind turbines on trucks sitting on the side of the road the other day. I would have loved to have been able to pull over to take a photo. Enjoy your week, stay safe, and thankyo again for the linkup.

  10. Such cool captures, Sue!

    Happy Tuesday and thanks for hosting!

  11. The pylons make safe nesting spots for birds of prey. Thanks for the link today Sue.

  12. Always so mesmerizing to see those!

  13. We have a power line in one of our fields. Whenever I see them they remind me of a Stephen King book. I saw the film version first and I thought the pylons were walking to get rid of the past. It was only when I read the book that I realised they were falling. I think the book is called The Langoliers. I will have to check my book shelves.

  14. The bless of electricity! I've always liked these power lines.
    Good photos!
    Happy WW and a fine week! 😘❤️

  15. Amazing perspective! We have a walking trail not too far away that passes under some of those towers. They're impressive!

  16. They remind me of tall, metal soldiers, marching across the land.

  17. We see those paths cleared through the trees for the power towers sometimes. Of course, we need power, but they make us sad as they really don't belong in nature.

  18. My local park has some passing right through, and the birds certainly enjoy them. Alana

  19. Love those greenway pics. Very nice. Thanks for sharing them.


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