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Rural hood ornament?

I took this photo through the window about 2 years ago. It was rather startling to see this on top of my husband's truck! I don't know whose chicken it was, but after a few hours of clucking and strutting, he disappeared, never to be seen again.


  1. Mystery chickens. Do you think it could have been an alien Sue? I will leave you to think about that. Thanks for the Monday link.

  2. I can see it having a strong ego

  3. That's kind of really weird! (Or do I just not know much about chickens and they migrate like other birds when they can??)

  4. ."..never to be seen again" until Sunday dinner

  5. LOL @ Kenneth Cole's comment!
    Hugs and blessings, Sue

  6. What a funny cock....all the best and a good time

  7. He looks a bit worse for the wear.
    Great shot though.

  8. oh that is funny. I wonder what would happen if a chicken turned up here with 4 cats watching out the window.

  9. Fabulous title for this post. And so cute images!
    All the best and a good start in August!

  10. He was probably looking for a hen. They do make a lot of noise.

    Thank you for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday and rest of the week. ♥

  11. Funny. One time I was walking in the park and a peacock jumped up on my car. After I took his picture, I wanted him to get off so I could leave but he did not want to get down. It took about 10 minutes before he finally got off my car.

  12. Love these photos, Sue. That's one nervy rooster!

  13. That chicken needs a trip to the beauty salon! I loved the title of your post and hope he didn't leave any calling cards. Alana

  14. Love the old rooster. Very cool shot. Thanks for sharing it.

  15. That is so funny! It would have startled me too.

  16. He looks so funny and a bit desolate. Great street shot!


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