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My happy places


I must admit that there are few things that soothe my soul like a river or a lake or the beach. The ocean in particular shows me that my perspective is rather narrow and my problems are rather insignificant. Here's hoping you find some peace in these photos.


  1. I'll add a visit to the mountains or to wilderness as other places where nature is healing!

  2. A lovely set of pictures Sue. The children playing along the waters edge is charming. Thanks for the link this week.

  3. In many times in my life I've found that being near water whether it be the ocean, a river or a stream is peaceful and helps me think.

  4. Very peaceful indeed, except that the children playin atop the dam made me a bit anxious. When I retired back in 1993 I decided to always live in a home which allows my eyes to focus in the distance. So far this has worked out-- mountain view in New Mexico, lake view in Florida and back to distant ridges and cityscape here in Connecticut.

  5. Beautiful photos - I especially liked #2 and 3 (wow what a red bridge!)

  6. The beach at sunrise or sunset is nirvana.

  7. THat's such a beautifully emotive collection of photos. Great stuff! I agree, there's something grounding and soothing about being near water.

  8. Each of these is absolutely inviting. Great shots!

  9. Beautiful photos, Sue!
    The red bridge is my favourite.

  10. My absolute fav is the bridge with red rails! All of them are stunning.

  11. Fabulous sunset and the river scene

  12. I agree about the ocean - something reassuring in that it will continue crashing on the shore no matter what happens to us. Enjoy your week, and thankyou agian for the linkup.

  13. Very nice places for a good feeling. Water and the sun going down....fascinating every time.
    All the best

  14. Yes, I believe in such landscapes... they are soulfood. Happy MosaicMonday

    Thank you so much being part at

    Have a fine week. Greetings by Heidrun

  15. We agree, Sue. There's something about water that just soothes the soul. It's so grounding, as shown by your lovely photos!

  16. Yes, I have! Seeing these kind of images, here, or in the real life, I receive some special vibes from
    the nature and I know that we are connected.
    Thank you for the beauties!
    A serene Wednesday! ❤️😘

  17. These photos bring me to a peaceful place, too. Thank you. Alana

  18. Oh yes, I agree with you and your lovely impressions are pure soul food.


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