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Le Musee d'Art Sacre

Just a few images from the Museum of Sacred Art in Pary le Monial. The last photo in the series is a panoramic view of one of the rooms there. I thought it made for an intersting image.
Mariner's cross
The objects on the cross symbolize events from Holy Week
With apologies to other great masters, I find this image of the last supper most intriguing.


  1. A very stirring image of the Last Supper and a beautiful cross, Sue.

  2. Looks very interesting once again. I sometimes try to catch the panorama in a photo,.
    Have a good time and all the best

  3. The rooster on top of the cross is just like the one they put on top of Notre Dame! A symbol of France. Aloha

  4. You need to find the Cimabue one of the last supper. He was the first to have it as a round table (a normal table seating) but also the first to have 'common' people - the servers and even a dog....Medieval I think...

  5. Truly an itriguing painting and a great museum.
    Have a good week

  6. very nice. Looks like a nice place to visit and see the artwork.

  7. a really nice place. Are you still in Burgundy ?

  8. That cross is amazing, and you are right about that pano shot -- wonderful capture!

  9. Very interesting place! I like the cross. Thank you for the written details about it. You are right, that image is quite intriguing. Do you know the painter? And in the panoramic, the roof is pyramidal, or is an illusion?
    Thank you for sharing these photos!
    Have an wonderful week! ❤️😘

  10. Oh, I do like the panoramic shot!

  11. Thanks for sharing the image of the Last Supper Sue at Le Musee d'Art Sacre
    My links: 36+37. I hope you will join us this week at Wed-Sat at #WordlessWednesday (words welcome) https:// esmesalon. com / tag / wordlesswednesday/ See you soon

  12. Such a beautiful museum and I loved the panoramic shot, very beautiful. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  13. The attention to detail and the emotion conveyed are amazing!

    Happy Thursday, Sue!


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