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On retreat

The Daughters of Saint Francis de Sales is a world-wide association of women who try to live the gentle spirituality of Saint Francis de Sales, a Doctor of the Church who believed that all of us - regardless of our state in life - are called to holiness. We don't do this perfectly, by any means, but joining with other women who are trying to live faithful lives helps us to get back on course. These photos are from the 2023 annual retreat of the USA Mid-Atlantic and England Region of the Daughters of St. Francis de Sales.
At the Washington (DC) Retreat House, with the spire of the Ukranian Catholic Church in the distance
The spire and bell tower of the Ukranian Catholic Church in Washington DC
The lovely altar at the Washington Retreat House
5 women newly consecrated as Daughters of St. Francis de Sales, with their companions
Daughters of St. Francis de Sales on retreat
Members of the North Carolina Daughters with retreat master Fr. John McGee OSFS


  1. The retreat sounds wonderfully spiritual, Sue, and with good attendance.

  2. What a lovely group of ladies they are . Thank you Sue for inviting me along to the link today.

  3. I used to enjoy church retreats. These days I fear I would spend the entire time thinking about what needed to be done at home.

  4. Hope you had a lovely time - St Francis means you dedicate to helping 'outcasts' and animals?

  5. Oh, not Assisi. I don't know De Sales....? Is there a specific angle, or he promoted women?

    1. Frances de Sales was a marvelous spiritual director and a prolific writer. Thousands of his letters of spiritual direction have survived. In addition he wrote 2 books, Introduction to the Devout Life and Treatise on the Love of God. He and Jane de Chantal founded the Visitation order. The Oblates of St. Francis de Sales and the Priests of John Bosco are Salesian orders. The Daughters are a lay organization.

    2. Cheers for the follow up info and thanks for joining in #Allseasons

  6. Church retreats are so good for the soul.
    Beautiful ladies!

    Hugs and blessings, Sue

  7. I think a call to holiness is common with all religions but St Francis de Salle is common here too with many churches of that name.

  8. My wife and I participated in a silent retreat at the Benediction Monastery of Christ in the Desert in remote Abiquiu, New Mexico. The surroundings were arid and stark, except for the clear waters of the Chama river. It was a silent retreat and we participated in Gregorian chants, even rising to the sound of the gathering bell in the middle of the night. Such an inspiring experience. I must admit that I broke silence when a beautiful Varied Bunting appeared along the stream. I had to tell somebody!

    1. I'm sure God forgives your enthusiasm for his creation!

  9. These images seems so special. What a bright place!
    Thank you for sharing!
    All the best to you!

  10. Have a meaningful time! You're in my old DC neighborhood!

  11. A wonderful place to be a member of. Beautiful.

    Thank you for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. ♥

  12. That sounds like a really amazing group with a wonderful purpose, Sue. Thank you for sharing about it through your great photos and descriptions!

  13. Certainly very good for mental health to retreat in such a beautiful place !

  14. What a very nice place and sounds like a time for reflecting and mental health.

  15. I've never been on any kind of retreat, and your peek into this one was interesting. I like that philosophy of us all being called to holiness, as imperfect as we all are. Alana

  16. Such happy and peaceful pictures- Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

  17. It looks like a wonderful place to have a retreat.

  18. Wish you a good time -
    All the best


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